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Mi-Raj Mosque



Mi-Raj was the entry for the Prishtina Kosovo mosque competition was viewed as an opportunity to explore the relationship between structure (object) and skin (territorial surface). The mosque, as a typology, was a large enough scale that it needed a structural framework that could organize the interior but still be malleable enough to adapt and respond to desires for an expressive and performative exterior surface.

The formal logic of the object derives from the act of computational cuts and extrusions to create a ‘bowl’ that gathers rain water and distributes it as grey water to the building. The structural framework is designed with computational methods to make a dynamic, responsive grid and exterior surface. As the structure travels upwards, it radically shifts from a territory of columns and archways

to a dynamic space frame that is wrapped in an exterior surface - a territorial, breathable surface comprised of tiles that ventilate the building.

The contradiction between object and territory creates new formal overlaps that become thresholds throughout the building.

“This is a bold, contemporary interpretation of the traditional mosque form.”
- AIANY Awards Jury - Project Category, Merit Award

Project Credits
Architectural Design

Structural Engineer - Sinead Mac Namara

Student Interns: Andres Jaime, Andrew Paul, Bryan Scheib

2013 AIA NY Chapter Project Merit Award
One of 35 Projects Selected Out Of 383 Submissions.

Jury: Kunle Adeyemi, Nle, Amsterdam, Lagos
Reed Kroloff, Director, Cranbrook
Sheila Kennedy, AIA, Kennedy Violich, Boston

2014 Center for Architecture, AIANY Design Awards
Exhibition, NY, NY
2014 ACSA 102nd Annual Meeting

2014 ACSA 102 Globalizing Architecture, Miami, Fl

Publications (print and online)
2014 Oculus Magazine, Vol. 76, No. 2, Summer 2014
2014 Project in book chapter, (author: Aziz, Azim)
“Masjid - Selected Mosques Islamic World”
2013 Evolo. Apr. 25
2013 Architecture Lab, Apr. 24
2013 Bustler Apr. 24
2013 Archinect Apr. 24
2013 Apr. 23
2013 Archdaily. Apr. 22

Structural Engineering: Prof. Sinead Mac Namara

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